The Star PD was among the first of the small, lightweight .45s to enter the market. It's a sleek, well-made little pistol that was very popular with LEOs in the late 70s and early 80s as a back-up, and in a few cases that I know about as a main weapon. It was only made from 1975 to 1983, when Star fazed it out in favor of the Firestar. Big mistake, as the Firestar was a heavy pistol that in no way appealed to those who had appreciated the PD.
My PD is accurate, reliably feeds just about anything, and is pleasant to carry, but I never could become really fond of the grip frame. It's OK, but it never felt "right" to me like a 1911 or a Browning. It felt a little cramped and my hand never was able to settle in on it like it belonged there. Still, it's a nice little pistol that weighs only 30 ounces loaded. The adjustable sights were a welcome touch.
Mine is definitely minty as it never got used all that much. Since replacement parts can be iffy at best I have decided to relegate it to the safe until it finds a new home, which I am not really anxious to look for.
I've got a Star Model B in 9mm Luger. It's a good pistol.
Nice..... If I owned one I wouldn't be anxious to see it leave either.
The problem with the PD is that I just don't use it anymore. It just sits in the safe and sulks. I keep telling myself I am going to cull the battery and get rid of some of the stuff that I don't use. Yeah. Right,
PD what a good weapon. Nice to carry, easy to conceal if wanted. Very accurate and extremely reliable. A shame that Star discontinued it. Use extended magazine. Have Pachmayr grips at my disposal. Purchased weapon with satin coat and fake mother of pearl grips. Kicks like a donkey but would not change it for anything.
I've had my Star PD for very many years, and will continue to keep it for many more to come. It is a tack driver that is very lightweight. The trade off is serious recoil and muzzle flash. Only problem I have now is finding a recoil spring guide buffer for mine as the factory plastic one that came with the gun is cracked. This is common for these guns and can affect both safety and accuracy. Nonetheless, I love my Star PD and will not even THINK of giving it up.
I bought the first PD I ever saw and still have it. I have no problem with recoil as I have never considered the .45ACP to be a heavy round. I hate .357's, but the .45 is nice and soft. I'm having mine buried with me some day....... just in case.
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