I went to the first branding of the season here. We're still pretty heavy into calving, but some ranchers brand early and then do pick-ups on their own as the calving continues. I'll post a coupla pics of the session later, but this post is not about that. This post is about my personal affliction.
Chili is one of the very few foods I get a positive, gut-deep hankering for. When I came home from the branding this afternoon I
needed chili. Unfortunately there was none already made up as there usually is, so I dug out the large, deep-sided cast-iron skillet and fired 'er up.
Here's the "recipe" (hearty laughter in the background!) for my quick chili. (About 30-minutes from start to slurping.) Please note that the highly precise measurements for this recipe must be
strictly adhered to or I will not be responsible for the result and you will
not get your money back. You've been warned...
In the skillet, coupla
dollops of olive oil and a
double fling of granulated garlic. Let toast. Add 1-pound of extra lean grass-fed ground beef. (My usual meat is cubed steak but no time, no time!) To meat add
double squinch of ancho chili powder,
half-handful of Mexican oregano,
squinch of ground chipotle (hot!),
mega-dollop of cumin, and
triple squinch of cocoa powder. Brown meat well.
Add 2 cans Kuner's of Colorado Black Beans with Jalopeños and Lime juice and one can of Kuner's unsalted black beans. Stir, stir, stir. Add mega-drizzle of red wine. Add
very carefully measured demi-dollop of balsamic vinegar. Let simmer. Observe bubbles on the surface. Taste and add ingredients as needed. (Follow this direction
exactly.) Add water to desired consistency. If it ain't right, add more ancho. Still lacking? Add chipotle.
Toast some corn tortillas. Pour some wine. Ladle chili into bowl. Sit. Eat. Ignore sad faces on dogs.
Chili should really be allowed to season a bit. Several heating-cooling cycles. Several days is best. (It will be much better tomorrow; to die for the next day; and gone the next.) But sometimes the addiction just won't wait. You either know of that which I speak or you do not.