Continued to help a neighbor clean out his shop yesterday and he gave me a sheet of 3/8" steel for my range. This morning I stenciled a rough 3/4-scale 'modified' IPSC target on it and blazed away. Great fun. Now I have to devise a way to hang this 90-pound target up off the ground at a better height. I'll probably suspend it between two posts on a crossbar. Should be pretty simple. Actually it's not really bad as it is. The sound of bullets against steel is somehow deeply satisfying.
I need to get out of the city and into a nice secluded woodland where I can do something like that.
At least a target that won't get knocked around in the wind. Cool.
Nope, it's not going anywhere short of a tornado! I may not even bother to mount it since it's now easy to move and the angle difference doesn't really matter. Who knows— you could someday be attacked by an armed midget!
I like the re activeness of shooting steel. Knowing if it is a hit or miss immediately without the need to stop and go check a target which throws off my whole shooting grove. I think it makes for good training to know immediately if I did it right or not.
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