Sunday, August 31, 2008
A Bad Day for Mr. Snake

Saturday, August 30, 2008
A Perfect Evening
Friday, August 29, 2008
Palin? Monte Python?
Thursday, August 28, 2008

My favorite deer rifle

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Slacking Off
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Back from Capistrano?


Emma's Piles

Miss Mags

Friday, August 22, 2008
Michael Collins
Monday, August 18, 2008
Harry S. Truman

Saturday, August 16, 2008
The amazing, wonderful .38 Special

Bull snakes

Friday, August 15, 2008
Goin' north

Took some garden fare up to neighbors who don't have a garden this year. Their ranch is north of me about 20 miles. I like to go up north but don't get up there too often because when I go out for supplies and such I usually head south. The road north is a nice one-laner. While I was out I went the extra 18 miles to "their" town and got myself a burger and fries! It's good to get off the place once in a while and have a gourmet meal.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Deadly weaponry
Yet another .45


Monday, August 11, 2008
Today was the day

Morning fog

Our hot spell seems to have broken for the time being. Mornings, late afternoons, and nights are cool and refreshing and this means we get some thick morning fogs. Gone by 8 a.m. or even before, they are nevertheless a harbinger of completely non-political Change— which is refreshing. It's the same kind of advance warning we get every year at about this time in August. We've still got plenty of hot weather to go in August and September, but we always seem to get these false autumns about this time of year.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Quick skillet chicken

An Orichaphilian footnote...

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Another .45

The Gold Cup

This is a Colt Gold Cup .45 ACP. It's a Series 80.
I've already mentioned that I have a real fondness for the .45 ACP cartridge, and this is the pistol that introduced me to a few of its finer points. Like accuracy. It's also the pistol with which I shot one of the best offhand groups of my life. This was a single-handed group of just slightly under 2-7/8" at 25 yards, with hardball. I wish I could do it all the time, but alas... And of course, if you shoot enough you are bound to have a few "world beaters." What do they say? "Even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometime!" Anyway, the target is stuck to my safe door and there it stays.
Few would call the Gold Cup a carry gun, but I have used it that way on many occasions. The only modification for this purpose was that I had the razor-sharp edges on the Eliason rear sight smoothly radiused. (You can just about make that out in the photo.) That stopped its annoying habit of digging bloody trenches in my right forearm when holstered.
One of the reasons cited for the Gold Cup being a poor choice for carry is that it is a very tight gun and isn't the most reliable feeder, especially with loads other than hardball. That has not been my experience with this pistol. It has been a most reliable feeder, with everything even including 'flying ashtrays', and easily rivals my true carry '45s on that score. YMMV.
Another comment often heard about the Series 80 version of the Gold Cup regards the trigger mechanism, which has a few extra safety widgets tacked on. Supposedly this makes for a poor release. Again I have to say Not Guilty. And no one else who has ever handled or shot it has anything at all bad to say about the trigger on this particular pistol.
The one indictment that might get a true bill is that it sometimes bites the web of the shooting hand. Ouch! In fact, I am getting very close to sending her off to Ed Brown to have one of his high-ride beavertails put on it. I think that would be money well spent.
If you like 1911s and you get a chance at a Gold Cup at a reasonable price, grab it up. They are excellent pistols. I sure do like mine, which isn't for sale.

There's an old bunk house right behind my house. In the overhanging eaves facing me barn swallows have built a nest. From my bed I can look straight through my bathroom, through the window, and directly at the nest. So I get to keep track of Mom and Dad as they bring the daily menu of tasty prairie bugs 'n' stuff to their brood. I often see their little yellow beaks wide open as they ask for more, more, more! Today I went out and tried to do their portrait. But instead of opening wide, they just looked at me suspiciously over the edge of the mud nest. You're not my Mom!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
More bones?

Guilty. I confess I am a sucker for bones, antlers, sheds, arrow-heads, rusty horse-shoes— almost any remnants of the past.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
A very special revolver


Making a visit

Ruger Speed-Six

Things that go 'Bang!'

Monday, August 4, 2008
More garden porn

Just a bit warm

These are the Dog Days of summer to be sure. For a week or so now we have been having really warm weather. The other day it was up over 110° so you can see we are having a cold snap today. I've been in New Orleans, Houston, D.C., Baltimore, and NYC on really, really hot days and believe me it's nothing like as bad here at 110° as it can be in those places at 100 or even 95. Humidity is running between 20% and 26% here instead of 90% and that makes a big difference.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
And while we're on the subject
That Pesky Second Amendment

Wanna start an argument?

Saturday, August 2, 2008
Cowboy Up!

Lost & Found

Friday, August 1, 2008
Cultivating the Wonder

Looking for Seamus