Heading out tomorrow for a holiday plus a few days of hunting and good fellowship. But what a hassle!
Stop the mail. Vault all the guns. Gather and sort ammo. Pack clothes, boots, toiletries. Find dog vests. Set light timers. Box up gifts. Mail out final bills. Clean and sack guns. Yadda-yaddo-doo.
Yowee. I'm tired already. And I'm not even taking my little travel trailer, illustrated above. I'd need an extra day of prep for that.
Oh, well. I'm going hunting, for pete's sake. And will have good company, good times, and good food for a few days. As my pub owner friend says "Kwitcher complainin'!"
That's a nice rig! You pretty much have it all. Good home way in the outback, all the comforts, good dogs, and a nice truck and travel trailer.
It's hard to feel sorry for a man who's going hunting.
Tam, Yes. It does seem a trifle ungrateful, which I am NOT. It's just that the myth of "tossing stuff in the truck and heading out" is so disappointingly bogus. I like traveling, even a short trip like this one, but I need at least a full day to prep for one.
H., Yes, I really love my little trailer. IT has A/C, a propane stove, 3-way fridge/freezer, hot water heater (either propane or elec), showers (inside and outside), toilet, furnace, dinette, double bed, and so much storage one guy can't fill it up. Some people live in these little full-time. Wouldn't work for me though. Not enough gun racks.
Let us know how the hunt went. Sure enjoy hearing about some of that "fly over" country, and your appreciation for/understanding of the local ecology.
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