Sunday, November 30, 2008
Nil aon tintean!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Even the easy stuff isn't easy!

Heading out tomorrow for a holiday plus a few days of hunting and good fellowship. But what a hassle!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Trees & Sky

A New Arrival

Well, I said I wasn't going to be buying any guns for a while and I am as good as my word. But I did just buy a Kimber .22 Conversion Kit for my CDP .45. It arrived yesterday from Midway.
Of course, even though it was getting dark when I opened the package I had to go out and try it out. I was expecting to have to sort out some ammo problems (especially with Federal HPs as I had been told), but the first five magazines through it functioned flawlessly. As an added bonus the adjusties were almost dead on. Within the first two mags I could tell that it was going to be an accurate piece.
Today I shot it a little more. Adjusted the sights a bit, too. I haven't done any systematic testing yet, but did unload a mag on the 7" diameter end of a piece of firewood in the woodpile. Surprised myself with a 3" six shot group two-handed at a paced 32 yards. Three of them could be covered with a dime. I can live with that. Looks like the thing might be even more accurate than my Ruger Gov't Model.
It's a straight blowback action, in an aluminum slide, which makes the whole loaded rig weigh 25-ounces, quite a bit less than the CDP with the .45 slide and barrel. The lighter weight encourages sloppy holding and today I got the first FTFs as a result of a light hold. Now I know better. Changing over from one slide to another is an easy 15-second job.
I had originally thought I would get one of the 4" Ruger 22/45s with adjustable sights as a 1911 practice gun. But then I handled one and didn't like it. It didn't feel like a 1911 to me, and the one I handled also had a poor trigger. My Kimber lets off at 3.6# (with a Wilson Bulletproof sear spring) and I figured why compromise. Besides, I got out cheaper with the Kit than I would have with the 22/45.
I didn't get it for this purpose, but what a great trail-gun it would make, with one slide on the frame and the other in your backpack.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
A Gift

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Three + Four

Saturday, November 15, 2008
First Day

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
You can't count on me any longer!
That's my message to the two major political parties of our great nation. I'm finished forever with being a statistic in the column marked "sure thing."
The Democrats lost my allegiance when the moon-bat brigade took over the helm and it became the party of negativity and self-absorbed whining. The Republicans have now lost my support since they took an election it was theirs to lose and did exactly that. Their days of arrogance and intransigence are over, as is my place on their fund-raising lists.
I am now, officially, what I've actually been all along: an independent— or perhaps Independent better expresses the way I feel. And I'm glad to be part of a movement, if it can be called that, that will break the back of the control that the so-called two-party "system" has had on the country's political life.
I don't think we need a European-style panoply of political parties in this country— fifteen to twenty parties and an ever-shifting array of fragile and short-lived coalitions. But we do need to tell the existing parties, loud and clear, Earn it!
Show me why I should vote for what you claim to stand for. I won't respond to screaming mobs of "fans." I will respond to reason, logic, courage, and honesty. It would also be nice if you showed genuine respect for, and allegiance to, the Constitution. It's a good document and if you want to run this country I'm going to ask that you support it with more than lip service.
I'm through being a name on a list that's taken for granted. And make no mistake: I am not alone. There are millions like me. We're tired, we're frustrated, and we won't be treated like reliable sheep or useful idiots any longer. We just may be the beginnings of the largest political "party" in the United States.
I don't think that would be a bad thing at all.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
A Resident Buck

Saturday, November 8, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
A Moment of Panic
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The River of Air
Jolly Oulde Blighty
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Exercising the Franchise
Monday, November 3, 2008
Trench Warfare

Sunday, November 2, 2008
The Eternal HIlls

Saturday, November 1, 2008