Wednesday, August 5, 2009

More turkeys

With a deadline approaching, I was at the desk before light this morning. As I've mentioned often before, my office window looks out on my front area and then the prairie stretching away into the distance. Just after it got good light I noticed a skinny neck periscoping over the shorter weeds from time to time and knew the turkey family was dropping in for a visit.

They were extremely wary this morning and I had to make pictures from the porch. As far as I could tell all six poults are still with mom. I counted five definitely and there was some poult-size movement in the weeds that I couldn't make out for sure.

One interesting point: there were two hens with the bunch. You can see one clearly just over the auto-gate and if you look carefully on the right, you will see the dark outline of an adult neck. I'm pretty sure this must be the same poult-less hen that was involved in the squabble a few days ago. I'm not sure what that dynamic is, but if any guajalote experts know about it, please let me know.

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