Been less lazy than busy lately. Went visiting over Easter and caught some kind of bug that kept me mizzable for a few days. On the mend now, just in time to finish the prep for a month+-long road trip. Surprising how many details have to be taken care of for such a trip to be successful.
I'm in the "approach/avoidance" phase right now: wanting to go but also wanting not to go. I guess that's some kind of testament of how pleased I am to be right where I am. But the road also calls and that gypsy-gene will have its day.
When I travel stateside like this I pull a little fiberglass "dirt yacht" with all the comforts of home aboard. The dogs love "their" trailer and since they know when I am getting ready for a trip it makes them feel much better if I let them take their naps in it while I get us ready. They also seem to understand when I tell them "You're going!" periodically. Or maybe I just hope they do. Anyway, it does seem reassuring to them.
Should be ready to head out on Wednesday. Once on the road that "a/a" thing will be dead and gone.